The Madame

The Madame

The Madame


The Madame’s job is to make sure her ladies are well taken care of.  She provides them with a home, food, money, fine linens and, most importantly, a purpose.  In return, the Madame’s seductresses give her the only thing they have to offer….everything.

It’s unknown how exactly the Madame persuades her seductresses into the lives they now lead, whether by presenting a choice or by other means.  But what is known is that they will do anything for her….anything.

Men and women alike are drawn to the harem of the Madame and her ladies of the night.  Some come for escape.  Some come for pleasure.  Some just come to feel something again in their worn out, numbing lives.  The Madame sees to it each person is given the attention he or she deserves.  She makes sure her seductresses give their lustful attendees proper…..entertainment.

It is quite easy to allow all of the troubles of the world leave one’s shoulders when you are in the care of the Madame.  Her words calm.  Her smile entices.  Her touches arouse.  Her seductresses please.  It would not be untruthful to say many patrons find it, well, impossible to leave.

But why does the Madame herself partake in this life of giving satisfaction?  What exactly is in it for her?

One thing is certain, the Madame aims to see Fleet very nice and comfortable.  All desires will be met.  She has everything in total control.  All Fleet needs to do is sit back and relax.

The Madame wants to see the stoic boxer around for a long, long time…..




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The Dungeon Master

The Dungeon Master

The Dungeon Master

WAAAAAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!  So laughs the Dungeon Master.

He rattles your brain with riddles of yesteryear, beckoning your humility to his call.  Will you heed his invitation?  Or will you burn in his magnificent blaze?

More than bountiful are his words exclaimed, boasting his power like beautiful peacock’s plumage to shine above all others.

His tales, mythical.  His world is one of legend…..Much sounds the way of fantasy….But what men dare lay challenge to his proclaimed truth and might?  For his minions worship his command at any moment, protecting their master.

Role the dice well, Fleet.  For no mere mortal shall pass through the Dungeon Master’s realm so easily!



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Mrs. K

Mrs. K

Mrs. K

Loving mother, human example….YEAH RIGHT!  Mrs. K isn’t a bad woman…but she isn’t the most kind-hearted of people, or the most outstanding of citizen.  She loves cutting up her son in front of his friends to get her kicks….and they love laughing at him.  Poor Johnny!

One thing’s for sure, Mrs. K demands respect.  She doesn’t take s%!* from anyone.  With the mistakes she made in the past, her life’s been hard enough and she refuses to let herself be walked on, especially by her son’s band, which she reluctantly allows to practice in her garage…on her terms.  Thing is, does Mrs. K really hate her son’s band that much, or, does she secretly just like the attention?  Well, Fleet might just have to ask her….



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Welcome to / Site Updates Coming!

Hello!  And welcome to the new, and OFFICIAL, site for the upcoming feature film by one studios, Fight 4 Your Life.

In it’s current state the site is still just a babe.  But give it time!  Over the coming weeks much more info and media will be added.  Many more interactive elements will also be introduced.  You’ll be able to keep up with everything Fight 4 Your Life oriented, no problem.

Your support is absolutely essential to the success of F4YL.  And we want to make sure you are given complete access to the happenings of the F4YL world.  Info on the cast and crew, video clips, digital downloads and updated production news are only a few things you’ll be able to retrieve via this site.  So, we ask for your patience in this very exciting, but challenging, time in the process of bringing the feature film version of Fight 4 Your Life to the silver screen.

For more info you can always visit, the home of the one studios universe.  You’ll probably want to note that one studios will also be launching a new, and totally awesome, version of it’s site in the near future.  Expect tons of cool media and intriguing info to be available on there!

In the mean time, thanks for checking out  There is current casting info now available.  So, all you actors out there holler at us.  We want to hear from you!  Help us make F4YL the best film it can be.

Tell your amigos and keep coming back now, yuh hear!


– The one studios crew