
Craig aka Hanson's Sidekick


Behind every great douche bag is another great douche bag.

Oh, Craig, why can’t you just shut up?

Lifelong friend of Hanson, Craig grew up getting picked on as a youngster, that is, until he met the future champ on the playground way back in second grade.  Tired of hearing his crying, in fact, annoyed by his crying, Hanson stuck up for Craig and beat up the bully that was torturing him.  Oh, how the tables then turned…..

From that day forward Craig has seemed to never leave Hanson’s side.  He remains Hanson’s most trusted friend, doing whatever is necessary for Hanson’s safety and needs.  If you ask Hanson, Craig is his brother and nothing less, holding the loyalty Craig has shown him throughout his life very near.  Craig would say the same.

The two together are sure to always rile a crowd, with Hanson Hansome Kelly serving as the arrogant enforcer and Craig dishing up a seamlessly never ending meal of words.  Craig’s talent for vocal annoyance, aka a big mouth, has blessed him as much as it’s caused him trouble though.  One of his many duties has been to act as Hansome’s hype man.  He has also made a nice side career as a promoter and business entrepreneur.

Craig once may have been the kid everyone picked on, but Hanson made sure Craig learned to hold up his dukes long ago when they were still kids.  So, Craig is actually not a bad boxer himself, although it’s always been more of a hobby for him and a way to further help Hanson through being able to train with him.

When Hanson began training with Henry Page it was actually Craig that introduced the two.  Even as a teen Craig could see Henry was the best option for his friend.  And he continues to only want the best for Hanson.  It’s just too bad for Henry with Hanson came Craig, and with him years of utter pain in his @$$!  But Henry’s learned to deal with Craig.  He’s had to for the sake of Hanson because the champ would rather eat glass than ditch his loyal companion.

The only point anyone can make against Craig’s devotion to his friend is why he wouldn’t speak against Hanson’s decision to sign notorious slime ball Cecil Claremont as his manager.  The truth is Craig talked this over with Hanson to a great extend.  Both decided it was for the right reasons as long as they came at it with an angle in mind.  The two friends agreed Craig should learn as much as he could from Cecil while he managed Hanson, getting on the good side of the well connected manager and infiltrating his network so that one day Hanson can just drop him and have Craig step in, keeping it all in the family.  This is a major step in building their own promoting and entertainment empire.

Not too dumb for a couple of labeled punks.  Maybe there’s more to them than meets the eye.  The question is how well Craig has executed this part of he and Hanson’s “master plan”, as Cecil’s reputation shines with the ability to spot schemes from two miles away.  The snakey Cecil is an expert game player.

Indeed, all in all, Craig’s loyalty to his friend is unquestioned.  The confidence instilled in him from his years with Hanson now busts at the seams, just as his verbal tenacity seems like a beacon everyone can spot from a mile away, often rubbing people quite in the wrong way.  He could care less what people think about him and does what he wants without a care in the world.  After all, as long as he’s got his boy Hanson by his side what does he have to worry about?

The sky’s the limit.  The world is theirs.  All is in place.  Time will only tell….



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Henry Page

Henry Page Contemplating

Henry Page

Henry has a lot of confidence in his prodigy, Hanson.  Despite the bad attitude Hanson displays constantly, Henry stays true to his disciple, regularly having to aid in covering up Hanson’s mishaps and poor decisions and getting the brandishing champ out of the trouble that he seems to search for.  It doesn’t help that Hanson demands the company of certain people Henry would rather not have around, like his leeching companion, Craig, who often interferes with Henry’s training of Hanson and who also never seems to shut up.

Henry knows he shouldn’t be feeding into his protege’s recklessness and ill temperament.  But he’s taught himself to just look the other way.  His pride has made him put the morals and good nature he grew up having to the side for the sake of winning, something he himself could never quite accomplish during his boxing career, at least not to the level he desired…to the level of Hanson.  Henry is a perfect example of someone living his dreams through another person.

Just ask his old pal Tony, Henry’s not a bad guy.  He’s just afraid to lose.  And he’s caught up in the hype of everything.  He’s allowed himself to be over influenced and largely controlled by the wrong people.  His love for the sport has played second string to his hunger for success.  Tony feels Henry officially sold his soul once he allowed Hanson to sign with Cecil Claremont as his manager.  “Sure, Hanson might get a fast road to the belt.   But nothing good will come from it but a bag of shit,” Tony was quoted saying.

Henry’s craving for success has diminished his path, often clouding his better judgment.  But when his pupils are successful he feels like he is too.  So, he justifies his actions, or lack there of, with the results he obtains.

Furthermore, no matter what it might seem to outsiders, Henry does share a special bond with Hanson, as the champ has always remained loyal to his longtime trainer.  Henry put his neck, and financial well being, on the line for Hanson more times than once during Hanson’s come up.  And Hanson, despite his lack of apparent good nature, is not one to forget who has his back….hence people like Craig.

Deep down Henry knows Hanson’s time is coming though.  He recognizes the potential Fleet has in taking down his champion.  And it scares the crap out of him.



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Cecil Claremont

Cecil Claremont

Cecil Claremont

We’ve all heard the stories about talented athletes that make millions of dollars only to have those millions blown from reckless spending and poor management.  Often these stories end with the athletes having nothing, yet, their managers walk away very, very well off, having used and manipulated the athlete the entire time to fill his or her own greedy pockets.  These types of managers are utter and complete scumbags…..Well, Cecil is one of these kinds of managers.

Always looking out for his own grander horizons, Cecil Claremont seems to be in the mix of everything involving money.  People might question his character, but they cannot deny his pizazz for financial gain or his ability to recognize talent.  It was no surprise to the boxing world he signed the current champ, Hanson Hansome Kelly, the first chance he could, becoming the gifted, yet egomaniacal, boxer’s manager.

One would think there would be some sort of loyalty between the two with everything each has contributed to the other….nope.  Hanson might be a punk, but he isn’t dumb.  He sees right through Cecil’s act.  Their relationship is one based more on necessity and greed than trust and love.  Hanson’s trainer, Henry Page, is too prideful of his protege’s place in the spotlight to let anything disrupt the good’s going.  So, he too turns the cheek to Cecil’s manipulation and thirst for financial gain.  As long as Hanson keeps getting the right fights and his title is secure Henry is content.

Cecil’s had his eye on Hanson’s up and coming rival, Fleet Blackwood, for quite a while.  Over the years his attempts to win over Fleet have been derailed by Fleet’s team.  The temptation to move ahead more quickly using Cecil’s influence and power has at times been difficult for Fleet to resist, especially earlier on in his career.  Luckily, Fleet has had proper guidance by way of his mentor, Ahiga, who’s always provided great advice.  And Fleet’s trainer, Tony, well, there’s history between him and Cecil, and let’s just say he sees the kind of animal Cecil is…..and he’s not a fan. 

Who is to know if the dirty dog will ever win over the stoic boxer.  One thing is certain…..Cecil is quite persistent.



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