The Dungeon Master

The Dungeon Master

The Dungeon Master

WAAAAAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!  So laughs the Dungeon Master.

He rattles your brain with riddles of yesteryear, beckoning your humility to his call.  Will you heed his invitation?  Or will you burn in his magnificent blaze?

More than bountiful are his words exclaimed, boasting his power like beautiful peacock’s plumage to shine above all others.

His tales, mythical.  His world is one of legend…..Much sounds the way of fantasy….But what men dare lay challenge to his proclaimed truth and might?  For his minions worship his command at any moment, protecting their master.

Role the dice well, Fleet.  For no mere mortal shall pass through the Dungeon Master’s realm so easily!



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Mrs. K

Mrs. K

Mrs. K

Loving mother, human example….YEAH RIGHT!  Mrs. K isn’t a bad woman…but she isn’t the most kind-hearted of people, or the most outstanding of citizen.  She loves cutting up her son in front of his friends to get her kicks….and they love laughing at him.  Poor Johnny!

One thing’s for sure, Mrs. K demands respect.  She doesn’t take s%!* from anyone.  With the mistakes she made in the past, her life’s been hard enough and she refuses to let herself be walked on, especially by her son’s band, which she reluctantly allows to practice in her garage…on her terms.  Thing is, does Mrs. K really hate her son’s band that much, or, does she secretly just like the attention?  Well, Fleet might just have to ask her….



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